West Texas Bible College is a biblical higher education institution that exists to supply the Church with leaders of character and competence to fulfill the Great Commission.

Flexible Education

Hybrid Program Online and In person,
Only 2 in person classes a month.

Affordable Tuition

Tuition is free at WTBC. The only purchases you make are the course books.

Multiple Degrees

Receive a Bible Diploma all the way through to a Doctorate Degree.

Student Life

Academic Program
West Texas Bible College students meet the highest standards of excellence as they develop their intellect and increase their knowledge of God. Students become lifelong learners across a wide array of disciplines, strengthening their understanding of their Christ-centered calling in an engaging classroom setting.
Evening Program
- Designed for students who wish to develop biblically-based knowledge, skills, and wisdom in order to be most effective for Christ in daily living.
- Program runs two semesters per year (each semester is 15 weeks).
- Classes occur weekly on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Northside Church.
- Students at West Texas Bible College will have an opportunity to receive degrees ranging from a Bible Diploma to a Doctorate of Theology.
- Childcare will not be provided during class sessions.
Tuitions & Fees
- Tuition for West Texas Bible College is totally free. We want to make it easy and possible for anyone to attend West Texas Bible College.
- Students will need to purchase the required/recommended book(s) for each course throughout each semester. This will be the only cost that each student will face.
Tests & Assignments
- Students will be assigned work to complete and turn in for each course throughout the semester.
- Assignments and tests will be completed and turned in on the requested dates to be graded by our teaching team.
- Students will be expected to bring a bible, a notebook, and the required/recommended reading material to each class session.
- Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class session for all enrolled students.

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West Texas Bible College

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