Priorities The Wise Way

Dec 29, 2024    Scott Owens

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, we're called to examine our priorities and ask ourselves: are we seeking Jesus with the same passion we pursue other goals in life? The story of the wise men in Matthew 2 offers profound lessons about prioritizing Christ. These men embarked on an arduous journey, leaving behind the familiar to seek the newborn King. Their determination reminds us that major events, like Christ's birth, demand a response. We're challenged to recognize Jesus as the turning point of human history and to determine who will reign as king in our lives - ourselves or Christ. The wise men's use of a star to guide them symbolizes how God meets us where we are, using the familiar to draw us closer. As we navigate life's disruptions and distractions, we're encouraged to stay focused on our spiritual journey, rejoicing in God's guidance even when the path seems unclear. This message invites us to worship with everything we have, opening our treasures - our very lives - to Christ, and to be willing to take a new path as we grow in faith.